St Petersburg (Russia) 21st-26th March 2017
"Euroconnection - promotion of values for inclusion" is a seminar to be held in Saint Petersburg (Russia) among youth leaders, youth workers, technicians jobs, student leaders, policy makers, youth workers and young people interested, from 6 countries of the European Union and 6 neighboring countries to the European Union.The main activity will be the implementation of a 5-day program of activities with the municipality of Levoshovo in the Russian Federation, within the Leningrad Oblast. The activity will include the participation of representatives from: Spain, Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria, Hungary and the United Kingdom from the EU and Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and Moldova as partner countries.A total of 28 participants will carry out a program of activities which will foster the cooperation on youth affairs between the 14 participating entities.
Viseu (Portugal) 13th-19th April 2017
Training Course
"Improving Youth Employment - is a training courses to be held in Viseu (Portugal) among youth leaders, youth workers, technicians jobs, student leaders, policy makers, youth worker,The project foresees to develop 3 training courses pilot with a group from users from the target group.The aim will be improved the quality of organisations on EVS implementation focusing the employability of the participants.
Diemeringen (France) 21st-27th May 2017
Capacity Building
ARTS WITHOUT BORDERS. “Building Bridges” (AWB) is an arts, educational, multi dimensional,transnational project to be coordinated by NICOLA (United Kingdom) in partnership with NICOLA (France), Projeto Presente (Brazil) and Centre Culturel Régional Blaise Senghor (Senegal), aimed to youth within the field of arts anddigital literacy. It pursues to have an impact in both youngsters and their communities giving an arts/media/digital literacy training focused on the use of digital tools, transnational networking and the creation of open access materials with the final objective of enabling the youngsters tocreate their own enterprise, working groups or associations, and also providing them with formal and non formal learning which will help them in their future career development.
Dakar (Senegal) 25th September - 1st October 2017
Capacity Building
ARTS WITHOUT BORDERS. “Building Bridges” (AWB) is an arts, educational, multi dimensional,transnational project to be coordinated by NICOLA (United Kingdom) in partnership with NICOLA (France), Projeto Presente (Brazil) and Centre Culturel Régional Blaise Senghor (Senegal), aimed to youth within the field of arts anddigital literacy. It pursues to have an impact in both youngsters and their communities giving an arts/media/digital literacy training focused on the use of digital tools, transnational networking and the creation of open access materials with the final objective of enabling the youngsters tocreate their own enterprise, working groups or associations, and also providing them with formal and non formal learning which will help them in their future career development.
NICOLA, supported by Awards for All (through Big Lottery) create a series of music and dance workshops, as well as debates and talks for young people between the ages of 14 and 24.
The dance workshops aim to encourage the students to:
1) Work within their own ability and explore their potential.
2) Learn about various techniques and vocabulary of dance and explore methods of combining styles in choreography.
3) Build their dance, choreography and performance skills, as well as their knowledge, strength and stamina through creating new dance sequences.
4) Intro to I.T.S.D. course to inspire them to become dance instructors.
The music workshops aim to encourage the students to:
1) Learn how to compose their own music digitally using various software such as cube base, reason and logic
2) Learn to record their own music on a computer
3) Learn to write their own lyric to create songs
To find out more visit our events page:, and
The debates and discussions focus on:
1) Issues surrounding gang mentality, unemployments and possible ways to improve their communities in tackling those problems.
2) Students' own suggestions or ideas for dance and music workshops and final showcase.
3) Discussions of any problems within the workshops and ways to tackle them.
The workshops are taught by highly experienced professionals and give students an insight into the world of professional dance, and music and provide an exposure to the skills and understanding required to work in a creative profession. Some young people are dance and music instructor assistant, those are young people that have existent skills and would like to practise their teaching skills enabling them to gain work experience within the field enhancing their opportunity to start their own classes. We advise and help them to look into become freelance and or set up their own sole trader or business. Role as stage manager, admin and event coordinator are created for the young people.
Every Friday from August 4th 2017:
4-6pm dance and debates
6-8pm music and debates
Active participation as a tool for democracy as a youth exchange and it will take place in France with the participation of 37 participants from 7 countries (France-Turkey-Italy-Croaita-Hungary-Estonia and Spain) Participants will be youngsters aged between 18-30 ,who are insterested in the topics of democracy, youth participation, state-individual relations, who want to be informed about democratic participation mechanisms of young people , who are experienced or inexperienced and financially limited.
youth exchange
Capacity Building
ARTS WITHOUT BORDERS. “Building Bridges” (AWB) is an arts, educational, multi dimensional,transnational project to be coordinated by NICOLA (United Kingdom) in partnership with NICOLA (France), Projeto Presente (Brazil) and Centre Culturel Régional Blaise Senghor (Senegal), aimed to youth within the field of arts anddigital literacy. It pursues to have an impact in both youngsters and their communities giving an arts/media/digital literacy training focused on the use of digital tools, transnational networking and the creation of open access materials with the final objective of enabling the youngsters tocreate their own enterprise, working groups or associations, and also providing them with formal and non formal learning which will help them in their future career development.
he training course will take place in Antwerp, Belgium, between 6th and 12th of November 2016 and will involve 26 participants from 9 different European Union member and partner countries. The aim of the project will be to Work at issues and problems that you are most concerned and passionate about is a core of intrinsic motivation that is necessary to work hard without losing enthusiasm. It nurtures creativity, innovation and well-being that is necessary to create a better society and contribute towards the European idea and related projects. In order to really use our potential and talents we need to feel confident about them.
Training Course
Training Course
The goal of How to make it in Europe is to bring awareness of the different obstacles to overcome regarding international mobility and to provide to the youth workers useful tools and information they can use on a daily basis to help young people to achieve a successful migration.
Taking off:Youth Work Connection aims to support the cooperation within Euro-Med countries, performing a study visit in Morocco, given its history, geography and mix of cultures, that make of it a country that has developed differently from others in the Arab region. How are they facing the challenges in youth work in Euro-Med countries? The answer will come out not only from Moroccan associations, public agents and experts in the youth field, but also from other countries from the same region that will travel to Morocco for this project, making a group with the European partner participants to discuss the situation and share good practices.
Talent Factory
Dance Around the world aims to create dance collaboration between artists from different countries and cultures (UK, Italy, France, Spain, Holland). The vision is to bring young people together through dance, creating original pieces that reflect different cultures, opening further opportunities while exploring relevant themes through the creation of the dance pieces.
DATW was born in 2010 and so far we have one edition in Amsterdam, one in Strasbourg and three in London
“Challenge 2 Change: Gender Perspectives in Europe” will bring together youth workers from the EU (The Netherlands, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom) and Neighboring Partner Countries (Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine). It will take place in Yerevan, Armenia.
27th June - 5th July: Training Course aims at increasing the awareness of youth workers on gender equality concepts and perspectives in Europe as well as providing them with skills to develop good quality local and international projects focusing on promoting Gender Equality.
talent factory
NICOLA presents his second OpenMic of our annual Music Connection.
Fourteen artists are going to perform and showcase their talent. It's gonna be a night full of various style!
Where ? "The broadway" next the Fulham Broadway Station
When? The 7th of june, 9 p.m.
talent factory
NICOLA presents his first OpenMic of our annual Music Connection.
Fourteen artists are going to perform and showcase their talent. It's gonna be a night full of various style!
Where ? Lock Seventeen
When? The 2nd of june at 19 P.M.
talent factory
Music Connection was born out of a desire of making young people fight unemployment, given the situation of crisis that is beating Europe nowadays. We decided to carry it out because we believe that youngest have the power to find the correct weapons to solve the employability problem, and we are convinced that music is a very effective way to achieve this.
This is a London project between 9 no-for-profit Organizations from 7 European countries, all working with youths but from different field.
Hosted by NICOLA, the project is divided into two parts:
A1: A study visit for youth workers.
A2: A Youth Exchange .
The study visit involves 28 representatives from 7 countries and 9 government officials and non-governmental entities. The youth exchange involves 45 participants (38 youths + 7 leaders) from the institutions and organizations of the 7 countries that previously participated in the Study Tour.
The Project will involve 30 participants representatives of 14 Public Bodies and NGO coming from Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and United Kingdom.
It is common knowledge that one of the major problems of the youth associations, is the low level of youth participation in their activities.
This mobility project was conceived in order to provide space for knowledge of new European partners with experience in mobility programs and interested in developing in the coming years new activities for youth.
WORKSHOP 1 Marketing - Branding - market positioning
The workshop will teach you know how, skills and tools to run a successful marketing campaign for your own business. Learn to build a detailed marketing plan, to create effective social media campaigns, to set marketing objectives and maximise your brand exposure.
WORKSHOP 2 Internationalization: e-commerce – e business
The Internet and e-commerce has dramatically changed business, creating new opportunities, new relations with customers, new business models and products, new means of distribution, as well as creating new challenges and and sometimes even new security threats.
This is an Erasmus+ project (Study Visit) taking place in Santiago de Compostela SPAIN to inform and encourage entrepreneurship amongst young people in rural areas.
The project involves 10 entities and more than 30 professionals working on the field of youth from Spain, United Kingdom, Slovakia, Turkey, Romania, Greece, Portugal, Hungary and Italy.
Through this project, the partners will share skills and knowledge to seek to support entrepreneurship in rural youth, offering quality information that motivates the youths with the intend of fighting youth unemployment through enterprise setting up.
Information and facts about sexuality and the human body are essential for young people and play an important role in the learning process of sexuality. Nonetheless, information is not enough. Questions and issues regarding sexuality and relationships are essentially a question of identity. With this training course we want to extend the subject of sexuality beyond information and widen the perspective of the matter and connect sexuality to identity and discover values and norms in connection to sexuality on a societal, European, national and personal level.
There will be participants from : Belgium, Sweden, Italy, Austria, Malta, Finland, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Estonia and Greece.
talent factory
"Who We ART" is an creative collaboration between artists from FRANCE - UK - ITALY -SPAIN!!!
An AMAZING week in Strasbourg where we will explore and mix different ARTS reflecting a variety of CULTURE, while expressing opinion on serious themes that are effecting our COMMUNITY life!
Connect music is a project from the 12th to the 19h april 2016 in Morocco! An entire week dedicated to music: recording original collaboration songs, videoclips, festival performances, radio and much more!
This project was born out of a collaboration between "Maroc rock" in Morocco and "NICOLA" in UK. Our artists will perform at the "Maroc rock" festival on the 16th and the 17th april 2016 in Rabat. Ths will be a week full of incredible opportunities and experiences.
All we can say for now is Morocco, HERE WE COME!
This is an Erasmus+ project (Study Visit) taking place in Santiago de Compostela SPAIN to inform and encourage entrepreneurship amongst young people in rural areas.
The project involves 10 entities and more than 30 professionals working on the field of youth from Spain, United Kingdom, Slovakia, Turkey, Romania, Greece, Portugal, Hungary and Italy.
Through this project, the partners will share skills and knowledge to seek to support entrepreneurship in rural youth, offering quality information that motivates the youths with the intend of fighting youth unemployment through enterprise setting up.